The Rotary Club of Limavady
Activity in the first years centred mainly on fundraising for established charities. £2,000 raised at the mid-summer ball in 1986 benefitted the asthma clinic in Altnegelvin Hospital, £3,500 raised in an "Auction of Promises" in 1992 was donated to Save the Children, £1,500 raised at an event in The Water Margin was in aid of Polio Eradication, just a few that spring to mind.
For over 25 years, each December, Club members shake the tin in our annual street collection and, as a result, approximately £1,000 per annum is donated to local charities; Foyle Hospice, LCDI, Chest Heart & Stroke & Samaritans to name a few.
Since 2011, The Tree of Remembrance has been another very successful fundraiser in aid of local charities, St. Vincent de Paul and Salvation Army.
But fundraising and financial support for charities is only part of the story.
But perhaps most important of all, The Rotary Club of Limavady has provided its members with a vehicle by which they can realise their service ambitions.